Decision - EU Withdawal: Response to Full Council Notice of Motion

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EU Withdawal: Response to Full Council Notice of Motion

Decision Maker: Policy, Resources & Growth Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


this report is in response to FC NoM. It details work across various council departments in preparation for the UK's withdrawal from the EU


RESOLVED: That the Committee -


(i)            Noted the contents of this report and appendices.


(ii)          Requested that the Executive Director, Finance & Resources investigates the advantages, disadvantages, and associated costs and benefits, in advance of any potential impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union on council finances, of accepting income from fees, charges and council tax denominated in Euros to protect this city’s income stream and services, and reports his findings back to the January 2019 PR&G meeting.


(iii)         Agreed to the formation of a Member Working Group (with one Member from Each Group) to maintain Member oversight of the potential impacts of Brexit on Brighton & Hove and coordinate relations with city stakeholders and communities where potential impact has been identified.


(iv)         Noted that an Officer Group with representatives from relevant departments would monitor potential impacts of legislative change linked to the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and co-ordinate the council’s planning and report.

Report author: Dee Humphreys

Publication date: 06/12/2018

Date of decision: 06/12/2018

Decided at meeting: 06/12/2018 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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