Decision - Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS): Governance
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Decision details
Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS): Governance
Decision Maker: Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To note the governance arrangements for the
Sussex Health & Care Partnership (ICS) and its constituent
bodies and to agree to appoint a member to the Sussex Health &
Care Assembly
That Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee:
(1) notes the arrangements being put in place to comply with the Health and Social Care Act for an NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board, to have the core membership and functions outlined in Appendix 1;
(2) agrees the proposal to appoint a BHCC officer representative to the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board.
(3) Notes the Chair of the HWB will be invited to the ICB and all NHS Sussex Board meetings as a non-voting observer.
(4) After the first year, all existing arrangements and appointments will be subject to review.
(5) recommends to full Council that it formally approves the establishment of the Sussex Health & Care Assembly (SHCA) as a joint committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, West Sussex County Council, East Sussex County Council and the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board, with provisional written terms of reference as set out at slide 6 of Appendix 1 and that the full terms of reference be brought back to a future meeting of Council for approval, once agreed with the other parties.
(6) recommends that annual Council appoint the Chair of the Brighton & Hove Health & Wellbeing Board as the BHCC member of the SHCA: a proposal to be included in the Report on Appointments for 2022/23.
(7) notes that the development of the system will be overseen by elected members of the HWB and the HOSC meeting regularly with the Chair of the HWB and the BHCC Integrated Care Board representative.
(8) Agrees that a Task & Finish Working Group lasting up to 6 months and reporting to the Policy & Resources Committee will be established with 5 members (2:2:1 – Green:Labour:Conservative) to oversee the local authority transition into the new working arrangement with the NHS and partners, resulting from the Health & Care Act 2022.
(9) Agrees that the functions of the Task & Finish Group outlined in point 8 will include governance, democratic oversight, strategic priority setting, joint finance arrangement and scrutiny, and that these functions are included in the group’s terms of reference.
(10) Authorises the Monitoring Officer, after consulting with relevant group spokespersons, to prepare, agree and publish full terms of reference for the Working Group taking into account the requirements in (8) and (9) above and further to the terms of reference agree that there will be a scoping meeting of the working group.
Report author: Giles Rossington
Publication date: 20/05/2022
Date of decision: 19/05/2022
Decided at meeting: 19/05/2022 - Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee
Accompanying Documents: