Issue - items at meetings - Procurement of council owned short-term temporary accommodation – Gladstone Court, Hartington Road, Brighton - Exempt Category 3
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Procurement of council owned short-term temporary accommodation – Gladstone Court, Hartington Road, Brighton - Exempt Category 3
Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 54)
Procurement of council owned short-term temporary accommodation – Gladstone Court, Hartington Road, Brighton - Exempt Category 3
Report of Interim Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities.
Additional documents:
The Housing Committee:
2.1 Agrees the purchase of Gladstone Court for the use of emergency and short-term temporary accommodation for a sum to be negotiated up to the maximum set out in the Part 2 report.
2.2 Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the Council makes an offer of up to the agreed sum detailed in the Part 2 report to acquire Gladstone Court.
2.3 Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the freehold of the site is appropriated from the General Fund for Part II Housing Act 1985 purposes for a fee of up to £250,000, as estimated by external valuation.