Issue - items at meetings - The Impact of Schools Costs on Families
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The Impact of Schools Costs on Families
Meeting: 20/04/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 63)
63 The Impact of Schools Costs on Families PDF 83 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 63a- Appdx1. Notice of Motion. CYPT Board Report April 09 Appendix I, item 63 PDF 453 KB
- Item 63b- Appdx2. Response from DCSF. CYPT Board Report April 09 Appendix II, item 63 PDF 239 KB
1. That the following actions that are being taken in response to the Notice of Motion considered at Council in October 2008 be noted:
1.1 Guidance from the ‘Adding Up’ campaign will be circulated to all schools within the City, including their ‘Top Ten Tips’ for schools to adopt to help parents
1.2 Schools will be
provided with a list of charities that can support families with
costs associated with children attending school.
1.3 Schools will be reminded of their statutory duty to ensure their policies do not disadvantage any children.
63.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Impact of Schools Costs on Families (for copy see minute book).
63.2 Councillor Hawkes indicated she was grateful that the report had been brought to the Board and welcomed the focus on the matters concerned.
(1) That the following actions that are being taken in response to the Notice of Motion considered at Council in October 2008 be noted:
(ii) Guidance from the ‘Adding Up’ campaign will be circulated to all schools within the City, including their ‘Top Ten Tips’ for schools to adopt to help parents
(ii) Schools will be provided with a list of charities that can support families with costs associated with children attending school.
(iii) Schools will be reminded of their statutory duty to ensure their policies do not disadvantage any children.