Issue - items at meetings - Update on the Falmer Academy Project

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Issue - meetings

Update on the Falmer Academy Project

Meeting: 11/06/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 33)

33 Update on the Falmer Academy Project pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the Cabinet note the progress since the Cabinet Meeting of 16 October 2008.


(2)       That the Cabinet considers the outcome of the procurement process undertaken between mid November 2008 and mid May 2009 and endorses Kier as the Council’s preferred bidder to enter into the next stage of tendering.


(3)       That the Cabinet agrees that the preferred bidder undertakes the demolition of the central block and removal of trees as required during the school summer holiday period.


(4)       That the Cabinet note the requirement for approval of the Final Business Case in September 2009.


33.1       The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services updating Members on the process for the development of an Academy on the Falmer High School site (for copy see minute book).


33.2       The Chairman and councillors from all groups thanked the Project Director, Lorraine O’Reilly, for her hard work on taking the project forward and wished her well in her future career.


33.3       In response to queries from Councillor Kitcat, the Project Director made the following comments:


§       The £2 million set aside for ICT would cover ICT systems and equipment for the children and the back office at the school.

§       There had been informal meetings with 16 unions on a monthly basis over the last year; now that the TUPE negotiations had commenced, the meetings would become formal. It was hoped that individuals would be approached around Christmas time, but until the new staffing structure was announced in the Autumn, people could not be matched to jobs, but were being kept informed at all times.


33.4       RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That progress since the Cabinet Meeting of 16 October 2008 be noted.


(2)       That the outcome of the procurement process undertaken between mid November 2008 and mid May 2009 be considered and Kier be endorsed as the Council’s preferred bidder to enter into the next stage of tendering.


(3)       That it be agreed that the preferred bidder undertakes the demolition of the central block and removal of trees as required during the school summer holiday period.


(4)       That the requirement for approval of the Final Business Case in September 2009 be noted.


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