Issue - items at meetings - Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission

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Issue - meetings

Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission

Meeting: 17/09/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 72)

72 Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.      That Cabinet agrees to the resources identified to support the programme.


2.      That Cabinet delegates authority to submit the Brighton and Hove Readiness to Deliver document to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for CYPT and the Director of Finance and Resources.


72.1         The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Council’s readiness to deliver submission for the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme (for copy see minute book).


72.2         Opposition councillors praised officers for their work on the document and agreed that the Building Schools for the Future programme would provide an excellent opportunity to obtain investment into the city's schools.


72.3         In response to a query from Councillor Mitchell, Councillor Brown explained that City College had use of the building in Wilson Avenue and that the Council was encouraging them to utilise it to its fullest extent.


72.4         Following comments from Councillor Randall, Councillor Brown gave assurances that the Council was very conscious of the need to open schools up for use by the wider community.


72.5         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the resources identified to support the programme be agreed.


(2)         That authority to submit the Brighton and Hove Readiness to Deliver document be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for CYPT and the Director of Finance and Resources.


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