Issue - items at meetings - Housing Revenue Account Budget 2009/10 Reduction in Rent Increases
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Housing Revenue Account Budget 2009/10 Reduction in Rent Increases
Meeting: 11/06/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 31)
31 Housing Revenue Account Budget 2009/10 Reduction in Rent Increases PDF 83 KB
Joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and Interim Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 31 Appendix 1, item 31 PDF 45 KB View as HTML (31/2) 52 KB
- Webcast for Housing Revenue Account Budget 2009/10 Reduction in Rent Increases
(1) That Cabinet notes the extract from the proceedings of the Housing Cabinet Member Meeting held on 3 June 2009.
(2) That Cabinet approves the amendments to individual rent increases and decreases in line with rent restructuring principles as determined by the latest Government Subsidy Determination issued in May 2009.
31.1 The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Interim Director of Finance & Resources seeking approval to revise the approved rent increases for 2009/10 in line with the Government’s revised Subsidy Determination (for copy see minute book).
31.2 Councillor Caulfield wished to record her apologies to the Housing Management Consultative Committee (HMCC); usually such a report would be considered there first, however if was felt that, given the timing of the next HMCC meeting, it would be better to pass on the reduction in rent increases as soon as possible by bringing the report to Cabinet for approval.
31.3 Councillor Caulfield explained that the original increase could not be retained and invested in Decent Homes; the subsidy calculation would not allow the council to keep any increase in its income, therefore there was no benefit as the council would be paying more money to the government. It was possible that this would be addressed by government in the near future.
31.4 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the extract from the proceedings of the Housing Cabinet Member Meeting held on 3 June 2009 be noted.
(2) That the amendments to individual rent increases and decreases in line with rent restructuring principles as determined by the latest Government Subsidy Determination issued in May 2009 be approved.