Issue - items at meetings - Library Plan Review
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Library Plan Review
Meeting: 10/06/2008 - Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 14)
14 Library Plan Review PDF 102 KB
Report of the Acting Director of Cultural Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That the progress report on the Libraries Plan 2007 be agreed.
2. That the process for developing and agreeing the Libraries Plan 2009-2011 be agreed, with a view to it going to Council for approval in December 2008.
14.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of The Acting Director Cultural Services which reviewed progress with the medium term action plan for public libraries development as outlined in the Libraries Plan 2007, and set out proposals for the development and agreement of the new Libraries Plan 2009-2011 (for copy see minute book).
14.2 The Leader of the Opposition welcomed the report but asked if officers could deliver the plan in the light of the restructuring and re-grading of staff. The Head of Libraries & Information Services replied that the division was already delivering significant elements of the plan. The service had settled down quickly and was delivering well. The management structure had been revised and this had given opportunities to staff with key skills.
14.3 RESOLVED – (1) That the progress report on the Libraries Plan 2007 be agreed.
(2) That the process for developing and agreeing the Libraries Plan 2009-2011 be agreed, with a view to it going to Council for approval in December 2008.