Issue - items at meetings - Corporate Plan: progress report

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Corporate Plan: progress report

Meeting: 11/06/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 26)

26 Corporate Plan: progress report pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Acting Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That Cabinet notes progress against the Corporate Plan outcomes is generally good and that close monitoring of actions is integrated into the organisations’ business plans.


(2)       That Cabinet notes that Cabinet Members will review any areas of poor performance in greater detail at future Cabinet Member Meetings.


26.1       The Cabinet considered a report of the Acting Director of Strategy & Governance updating Members on the progress made against the five priorities and related actions in the Corporate Plan that was published in June 2008 (for copy see minute book).


26.2       Councillor Smith commented that the ‘red’ status of target 1.4.5 ‘Provide new spaces for professional and amateur sport at the Community Stadium and Brighton International Arena’ was misleading; lots of work was being done on both developments and residents should be able to see the progress being made.


26.3       Councillor Fallon-Khan confirmed that information was now available for those actions which had been left blank.


26.4       In response to a queries from Councillor Elgood concerning diversity in council’s workforce, Councillor Simson and the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance gave the following response respectively:


§       Unlike the old Equalities Standard the new Standard only had 3 Levels; the council’s recent achievement translated in to Level 2 of the new Standard and it was hoped that the new Level 3 would be reached by March 2010.

§       Although progress is currently at ‘amber’ for percentage of the workforce from BME groups, the council had made good progress and was not far off ‘green’ status. The Assistant Director for Human Resources would write to Councillor Elgood with more details.


26.5       In response to Councillor Mitchell’s request for an update on the proposed monorail, the Chairman explained that the Administration was keen to consider all forms of transport; a business plan was being drawn up and the prospect was really exciting for the city.


26.6       Councillor Brown explained to Councillor Mitchell that schools now work collaboratively, resulting in a reduction in permanent exclusions. She confirmed that information temporary exclusions would come to the Children & Young People’s Cabinet Member Meeting.


26.7       Councillor Theobald assured Councillor Kitcat that new plans for cycling would be presented to an upcoming Environment Cabinet Member Meeting to coincide with the award of more funding from Cycle England.


26.8       In response to Councillor Kitcat’s query regarding actions relating to pollution, the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance confirmed that this was not in the Corporate Plan, but was part of the Local Area Agreement which would be considered at the next meeting of the Cabinet.


26.9       RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That it be noted that progress against the Corporate Plan outcomes is generally good and that close monitoring of actions is integrated into the organisations’ business plans.


(2)       That Cabinet Members will review any areas of poor performance in greater detail at future Cabinet Member Meetings.


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