Issue - items at meetings - Building Schools for the Future - Readiness to Deliver Submission

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Issue - meetings

Building Schools for the Future - Readiness to Deliver Submission

Meeting: 08/06/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 7)

7 Building Schools for the Future - Readiness to Deliver Submission pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the progress with the BSF programme and the preparation of its Readiness to Deliver submission be noted.



7.1     The Board considered a report of the Director of the Children’s Services concerning Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission (for copy see minute book).


7.2     The Director of Children Services explained that the aim of the report was to make all partners aware of the Building Schools for the Future and to inform Members of what the progress was at this stage.


7.3     The Schools Futures Project Directorstated that the programme could attract a funding of up to £150 million for the city. He informed Members that the city had submitted an expression of interest in November 2008, which had been accepted. He explained that the next step of the process was to produce a document evidencing that the city was ready and prepared to deliver as soon as funding was available. The Director indicated that he was working closely with schools and their communities in this process.


7.4     The Director further explained that the city would submit its ‘Readiness to Deliver’ document in September 2009. He indicated that, if the funding was agreed for Brighton & Hove, the building could start in 2012/13.


7.5     RESOLVED - That the progress with the BSF programme and the preparation of its Readiness to Deliver submission be noted.



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