Issue - items at meetings - Safeguarding Practice- Update
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Safeguarding Practice- Update
Meeting: 08/06/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 8)
8 Safeguarding Practice- Update PDF 116 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).
1. That the implications outlined in the report of government’s response to Lord Laming’s report ‘The Protection of children in England’, and the action taken in response by the CYPT and the LSCB, be noted.
2. That the request be made to the Director of Children’s Services to consider the resource implications of the Government’s response to Lord Laming’s report for the CYPT and partner agencies including the LSCB.
3. That an invitation be made to the Chair of the LSCB to attend a future meeting of the Board to take forward the issues outlined in this report.
8.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services, which updated Members on the safeguarding practice and summarised the implications for safeguarding practice in Brighton & Hove of the Government’s response to Lord Laming’s report (for copy see minute book).
8.2 Members welcomed the report and its update information.
8.3 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the implications outlined in the report of government’s response to Lord Laming’s report ‘The Protection of Children in England’, and the action taken in response by the CYPT and the LSCB, be noted.
(2) That the request be made to the Director of Children’s Services to consider the resource implications of the Government’s response to Lord Laming’s report for the CYPT and partner agencies including the LSCB.
(3) That an invitation be made to the Chair of the LSCB to attend a future meeting of the Board to take forward the issues outlined in this report.