Issue - items at meetings - Closure of Premises Protocols: associated with Persistent Disorder or Nuisance and Class A Drug Premises

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Issue - meetings

Closure of Premises Protocols: associated with Persistent Disorder or Nuisance and Class A Drug Premises

Meeting: 09/07/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 58)

58 Closure of Premises Protocols: associated with Persistent Disorder or Nuisance and Class A Drug Premises pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.     That Cabinet formally approve the protocols for use within Brighton & Hove.


2.     That Cabinet approve the recommended delegated authorities for the use of these powers.


58.1       The Cabinet considered a report from the Director of Environment concerning protocols for the Closure of Class A Premises and the Closure of Premises Associated with Persistent Disorder and Nuisance (for copy see minute book).


58.2       Councillor Simson informed Members that the Community Safety Forum received a presentation in relation the protocols and had endorsed them.


58.3       Councillors from all political groups spoke in support of the protocols and look forward to the seeing the difference made by their enforcement.


58.4       RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That the protocols for the Closure of Class A Premises and the Closure of Premises Associated with Persistent Disorder and Nuisance be formally approved for use within Brighton & Hove.


(2)       That the recommended delegated authorities for the use of these powers be approved.


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