Issue - items at meetings - Preston Barracks Development – Update and future arrangements

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Issue - meetings

Preston Barracks Development – Update and future arrangements

Meeting: 17/09/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 77)

77 Preston Barracks Development – Update and future arrangements pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.      That Cabinet notes the successful collaborative work to date and the progress that has been made in identifying opportunities for a revised scheme at Preston Barracks.


2.      That Cabinet gives in principle support to ‘a Shared Vision’ of the city council and University of Brighton for a wider development opportunity on the Lewes Road involving city council and University land.


3.      That Cabinet agrees the terms of reference/project objectives for taking forward the Preston Barracks Development as set out in paragraph 3.23.


4.      That Cabinet supports continued partnership working between the city council, SEEDA and the University of Brighton to further explore the development potential.


5.      That Cabinet agrees to the city council and University of Brighton entering into a simple procurement protocol agreement at this stage to cover the continued development of a joint scheme, with a further report to Cabinet prior to any longer term commitments.


6.      That Cabinet agrees to the project management arrangements and decision making structure, including the creation of a new cross-party Project Board (as detailed in 3.26) and that each of the four main political groups be requested to nominate their representative to join the Project Board.


7.      That Cabinet supports the planned next steps in taking the project forward, particularly the joint commissioning of an Urban Design study to examine development scenarios e.g. height, scale and massing.


77.1         The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise updating Members on progress made on the development of a revised scheme for the former Preston Barracks site and advising of the planned next steps (for copy see minute book).


77.2         Opposition councillors welcomed the revised scheme and agreed that the inclusion of student accommodation was appropriate, but needed to be progressed carefully to achieve the right development for the city; it was also important to continue including Members in the management of the project.


77.3         The Chairman stated that this project showed that developers were still coming to the city and added that footfall had also held despite the economic climate.


77.4         Councillor Kemble confirmed that the Council would be working closely with its partners to get the development for the site. He apologised for not contacting the existing project board before the report was published and confirmed that nominations for Members for the new project board would be requested from Group Leaders.


77.5         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the successful collaborative work to date and the progress that has been made in identifying opportunities for a revised scheme at Preston Barracks be noted.


(2)         That in principle support be given to ‘a Shared Vision’ of the city council and University of Brighton for a wider development opportunity on the Lewes Road involving city council and University land.


(3)         That the terms of reference/project objectives for taking forward the Preston Barracks Development as set out in paragraph 3.23 be agreed.


(4)         That continued partnership working between the city council, SEEDA and the University of Brighton to further explore the development potential be supported.


(5)         That the city council and University of Brighton enter into a simple procurement protocol agreement at this stage to cover the continued development of a joint scheme, with a further report to Cabinet prior to any longer term commitments.


(6)         That the project management arrangements and decision making structure be agreed, including the creation of a new cross-party Project Board (as detailed in 3.26), and that each of the four main political groups be requested to nominate their representative to join the Project Board.


(7)         That the planned next steps in taking the project forward, particularly the joint commissioning of an Urban Design study to examine development scenarios e.g. height, scale and massing, be supported.


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