Issue - items at meetings - New Historical Records Office and Resource Centre (The Keep) – Project update, funding arrangements and future delivery
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New Historical Records Office and Resource Centre (The Keep) – Project update, funding arrangements and future delivery
Meeting: 17/09/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 80)
Report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That Cabinet notes that whilst the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was unsuccessful, the partners’ subsequent exploration of reduced scheme options suggests a financially viable scheme is still achievable; a scheme considered capable of satisfying the original vision and objectives.
2. That Cabinet notes the joint Project Board’s selection of a preferred scheme option and the work now underway to complete a revised RIBA Stage C report (outline design).
3. That Cabinet confirms the city council’s commitment to ‘The Keep’ and supports continued partnership working with ESCC and the University of Sussex to further develop the project.
4. That Cabinet notes the current funding profile and approves the city council’s revised financial contribution of up to £508,000 (a sum within the originally agreed ‘in principle’ figure) towards the continued development of the scheme up to RIBA Stage D (detailed design).
5. That Cabinet grants authority for the preparation of appropriate legal documents to enable the project’s progression to Stage D (such documents to allow for proceeding further to Stage H but only subject to the city council’s agreement at the conclusion of Stage D.
6. That Cabinet delegates authority to enter into those legal documents to the Director of Culture & Enterprise in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism.
7. That Cabinet reconfirms ‘in principle’ agreement to the council’s longer-term funding commitment, to a maximum of £5.345m (inclusive of development funding shown in 2.4 above), to support the capital cost of delivering The Keep, with the final decision returning to Members at the conclusion of Stage D; currently anticipated in April 2010.
80.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise advising of progress made in delivering the New Historic Record Office & Resource Centre project (‘The Keep’) (for copy see minute book).
80.2 The Director of Finance & Resources confirmed that funding for the Council’s contribution to the project would be borrowed and the revenue contribution required would be fed into to future budget requirements.
80.3 The Chairman gave assurance that that the finances for the project would be monitored very carefully.
80.4 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That it be noted that whilst the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was unsuccessful, the partners’ subsequent exploration of reduced scheme options suggests a financially viable scheme is still achievable; a scheme considered capable of satisfying the original vision and objectives.
(2) That Cabinet notes the joint Project Board’s selection of a preferred scheme option and the work now underway to complete a revised RIBA Stage C report (outline design).
(3) That the city council’s commitment to ‘The Keep’ and its support for continued partnership working with ESCC and the University of Sussex to further develop the project be confirmed.
(4) That the current funding profile be noted and the city council’s revised financial contribution of up to £508,000 (a sum within the originally agreed ‘in principle’ figure) towards the continued development of the scheme up to RIBA Stage D (detailed design) be approved.
(5) That authority be granted for the preparation of appropriate legal documents to enable the project’s progression to Stage D (such documents to allow for proceeding further to Stage H but only subject to the city council’s agreement at the conclusion of Stage D.
(6) That authority to enter into those legal documents be delegated to the Director of Culture & Enterprise in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism.
(7) That ‘in principle’ agreement to the council’s longer-term funding commitment, to a maximum of £5.345m (inclusive of development funding shown in 2.4 above), to support the capital cost of delivering The Keep, be reconfirmed, with the final decision returning to Members at the conclusion of Stage D; currently anticipated in April 2010.