Issue - items at meetings - Display Energy Certificates - Update
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Display Energy Certificates - Update
Meeting: 29/06/2009 - Central Services Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 13)
13 Display Energy Certificates - Update PDF 103 KB
Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That it be agreed that the results of the DEC and Advisory reports form the basis of the council’s strategy for carbon emissions reduction, as such priority should be given to those buildings which receive the lowest ratings.
2. That the report and its recommendations be submitted to Cabinet for approval.
3. That the initiatives considered in the report be communicated to all the Chairs of Governors within the city.
13.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Finance and Resources concerning the display of energy certificates, which updated the Member on various issues: the progress that had been achieved to date; the analysis of the information received; the emerging themes and actions, and the proposals to address the areas and sites that are under-performing, through a prioritised programme of works under the carbon management programme (for copy see minute book).
13.2 The Energy and Water Manager explained that the project came as a result of an EU programme, whereby buildings above a particular height were required to comply with the Display Energy Certificates. He pointed out that 70% of the work required had been achieved and any outstanding areas would need to be finished by October 2009. He noted that the areas that needed greater focus were the schools and council officers were working towards bringing those schools on board.
13.3 The Assistant Director, Property & Design, indicated that the team was working with the Children & Young People’s Trust in order to create a pack for schools. She reported that the council had a School Officer in place, who was dedicated to liaising with the schools about these matters. She also explained that loan schemes were available to schools, which they could access to support them in carrying out this work.
13.4 Councillor Harmer-Strange proposed that the dedicated officer wrote to the chairs of governors of all schools to let them know what funding was available to them in terms of energy efficiency. The Cabinet Member concurred with this proposal.
13.5 The Opposition Spokesperson, Labour, sought clarification about how the budget was prioritised.
13.6 The Energy and Water Manager explained that Display Energy Certificates were updated on an annual basis and any outcomes were brought forward. He noted that there were benchmarks to be achieved in terms of energy efficiency and the aim was to get those buildings which rated lower to address their requirements.
13.7 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That it be agreed that the results of the DEC and Advisory reports form the basis of the council’s strategy for carbon emissions reduction, as such priority should be given to those buildings which receive the lowest ratings.
(2) That the report and its recommendations be submitted to Cabinet for approval.
(3) That the initiatives considered in the report be communicated to all the Chairs of Governors within the city.