Issue - items at meetings - Corporate Procurement of Energy - 100Kw Energy Contract for 2009-10

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Issue - meetings

Corporate Procurement of Energy - 100Kw Energy Contract for 2009-10

Meeting: 29/06/2009 - Central Services Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 15)

15 Corporate Procurement of Energy - 100Kw Energy Contract for 2009-10 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).


Additional documents:


1.       That the recommendation to place a new 100 kW electricity contract with Eon for 12 months be approved.


2.       That the Director, Finance and Resources be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to approve the placement of the contract without delay, ensuring the lowest possible price.



15.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director Finance and Resources regarding the Corporate Procurement of Energy – 100K Energy contract for 2009/10. The report noted that the council had committed to procure energy solely from 100% renewable sources and explained the current market, the testing undertaken to achieve value for money and gave the council’s energy expert’s recommendations with regard to the future contracting of the 100kw electricity contract (for copy see minute book).


15.2    The Opposition Spokesperson, Labour Group, enquired whether schools fell under the contracts proposed and sought clarification about the difference between the designations of ‘green energy’ and ‘brown energy’.  


15.3    The Assistant Director, Property & Design, explained that schools had the choice to be included in the council’s contracts; however, they were not compelled to. She noted that 7 schools were currently included, through their PFI contractor. She clarified that green energy referred to renewable sources whilst brown energy related to fossil energy.


15.4    The Cabinet Member welcomed the report and congratulated officers for the excellent piece of work produced by recording the information in graphs as per Appendix A to the report. 


15.5    RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)      That the recommendation to place a new 100 kW electricity contract with Eon for 12 months be approved.


(2)      That the Director, Finance and Resources be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to approve the placement of the contract without delay, ensuring the lowest possible price.



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