Issue - items at meetings - Local Lettings Plan for Sheltered Housing
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Local Lettings Plan for Sheltered Housing
Meeting: 17/07/2009 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 26)
26 Local Lettings Plan for Sheltered Housing PDF 78 KB
Report of Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 26 - Local Lettings Plans for Sheltered Housing Appendix, item 26 PDF 46 KB View as HTML (26/2) 30 KB
(1) That when allocating vacant Brighton and Hove City Council sheltered housing units, priority is firstly given to BHCC sheltered housing tenants who need to move within the same scheme and secondly to existing BHCC sheltered housing tenants who need to move to another scheme. Where a flat has significant disabled adaptations, the incoming tenant must be in need of these.
(2) That where there are no bids for two bedroom sheltered housing from eligible households assessed as needing two bedrooms then the unit can be offered to qualifying two person households with an assessed need for one bedroom. Where no such households bid, then the unit may be offered to a single person eligible for sheltered housing.
(3) That the restriction preventing letting of sheltered flats to people with a partner or carer aged under 60 is removed. A sole tenancy would be offered to the person who is over 60.
(4) That a new process of assessment to better ensure risk is appropriately managed, that support needs of new residents can be met fully and promote greater balance of support need within and between schemes, is introduced in September 2009.
26.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing that set out the Proposed Local Lettings Plan for council sheltered housing. The proposed Local Lettings Plan had been requested by tenants through the Chairman’s Focus Group (2008) and Sheltered Housing Action Group.
26.2 It was envisaged that the Proposed Local Lettings Plan would help make more efficient use of the councils’ sheltered housing stock, and improve support for vulnerable older people who needed to move within sheltered housing (for copy see minute book).
26.3 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That when allocating vacant Brighton and Hove City Council sheltered housing units, priority is firstly given to BHCC sheltered housing tenants who need to move within the same scheme and secondly to existing BHCC sheltered housing tenants who need to move to another scheme. Where a flat has significant disabled adaptations, the incoming tenant must be in need of these.
(2) That where there are no bids for two bedroom sheltered housing from eligible households assessed as needing two bedrooms then the unit can be offered to qualifying two person households with an assessed need for one bedroom. Where no such households bid, then the unit may be offered to a single person eligible for sheltered housing.
(3) That the restriction preventing letting of sheltered flats to people with a partner or carer aged under 60 is removed. A sole tenancy would be offered to the person who is over 60.
(4) That a new process of assessment to better ensure risk is appropriately managed, that support needs of new residents can be met fully and promote greater balance of support need within and between schemes, is introduced in September 2009.