Issue - items at meetings - Budget Outturn
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Budget Outturn
Meeting: 20/07/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 13)
13 2008/09 Final Outturn and Budget 2009/10 PDF 163 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 13a- Appdx1. Pooled budget 09-10, item 13 PDF 55 KB View as HTML (13/2) 450 KB
- Item 13b- Appdx1b. Pooled budget 09-10, item 13 PDF 42 KB View as HTML (13/3) 428 KB
- Item 13c- Appdx1c. Pooled budget 09-10, item 13 PDF 29 KB View as HTML (13/4) 424 KB
1. That the total CYPT underspend of £2,725k, including an underspend of £1,308k on pooled budgets and an underspend of £1.417k on Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) items, be noted.
2. That the movements in budget since Month 6, including the additional contributions from NHS Brighton and Hove (specified in table in paragraph 1.3 of the report), be noted.
3. That the budget for 2009/10 (specified in table in paragraph 3.4 of the report) be noted.
13.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services, which detailed the final outturn figures for the CYPT 2008/09 and outlined the budget for 2009/10 (for copy see minute book).
13.2 The Director of Children’s Services reported that the department had performed under budget in 2008/09. She pointed out, however, that this situation would be shortly sustained in view of the challenges that were foreseeable for the future. The Director indicated that, in 08/09, the department was not feeling the full impact of the Baby P and the Harrington case. She noted that the effects of the above events had been more visible recently with the increase of referrals, which would have an impact on the budget for next year.
13.3 Members enquired whether any consideration had been given to a potential cut in the education section as a way of achieving further savings.
13.4 The Director explained that the schools budget was a protected budget, though she recognised that some flexibility existed where Dedicated Schools Grant was concerned. She noted that schools had the final say on how they spend that money; however, the CYPT was able to have some input on it as well.
13.5 The Board welcomed the report. The Chairman noted the work carried out to produce the report and registered her thanks to all the officers involved in producing it.
13.6 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the total CYPT underspend of £2,725k, including an underspend of £1,308k on pooled budgets and an underspend of £1.417k on Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) items, be noted.
(2) That the movements in budget since Month 6, including the additional contributions from NHS Brighton and Hove (specified in table in paragraph 1.3 of the report), be noted.
(3) That the budget for 2009/10 (specified in table in paragraph 3.4 of the report) be noted.