Issue - items at meetings - Commissioning

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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/07/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 17)

17 Commissioning pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the change management programme outlined in the report be endorsed.


2.       That Members complete a self-analysis exercise as part of that change management programme (set in paragraph 3.6 of the report).



17.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services, which outlined work with the new national Commissioning Support Programme sponsored jointly by the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and Department of Health (DH) and asked the Board to participate in a short self-analysis as part of initiating a wider change management programme (for copy see minute book).


17.2    The Assistant Director, Strategic Commissioning & Governance, pointed out that this was the first step for the Board to engage with this proposal to enable them to start to construct a more encompassing commissioning arrangement for Brighton & Hove. He requested that Members sent their responses to the CYPT Board’s Committee Administrator by 3 August 2009, either online or via hard copy.


17.3    Members welcomed the report and the opportunity for the Board to engage as a body, with the inclusion of all the stake holders. Members sought clarification about the analysis of the responses and how that analysis would be utilised. 


17.4    It was explained that the responses were likely to produce contextual information, relevant to each service consulted. The analysis would then be collated and brought to a future meeting of the Board, probably to its September meeting.


17.5    The Assistant Director requested that Members contacted him if any clarification was required in relation to the completion of the questionnaire.


17.6   RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:


(1)      That the change management programme outlined in the report be endorsed.


(2)      That Members complete a self-analysis exercise as part of that change management programme (set in paragraph 3.6 of the report).



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