Issue - items at meetings - Forward Plan
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Forward Plan
Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 34)
34 Council's Forward Plan PDF 223 KB
Additional documents:
34.1 The Council’s Forward Plan was noted and Members and asked for further information on Corporate Procurement of Energy - Sub 100Kw Energy Contract for 2010 Onwards which was due to be considered at 17 September Cabinet. There was particular interest in sustainability issues.
34.2 There was a query as to why the ‘Charter House Hotel – Proposed Future Options’ report to 17 September Cabinet had earlier been deferred ‘at the request of the Director due to O&S requirements for consultation.’ Officers would clarify the reasons for this.
34.3 RESOLVED that Members request a report for the next meeting, on the Corporate Procurement of Energy - Sub 100Kw Energy Contract for 2010 Onwards.