Issue - items at meetings - Older people and Community Safety Scrutiny Panel

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Issue - meetings

Older people and Community Safety Scrutiny Panel

Meeting: 14/09/2009 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 Older People and Community Safety Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Report of the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance.

Additional documents:


15.1    Councillor Mo Marsh, Chair of the Scrutiny Panel on Older People and Community Safety, introduced the Panel’s report and answered questions. Councillor Marsh reminded the meeting that the matter had been raised at the Community Safety Forum (CSF); and thanked the Panel Members and all partner organisations, residents and officers who had been involved.


15.2    The Committee Chairman thanked the Members of the Panel and all those involved including the Director of Age Concern who had brought this to the attention of CSF. Councillor Morgan referred to both distraction burglars and rogue traders who can have a serious impact on predominantly older people.


15.3    The Head of Community Safety answered questions on discouraging cold calling.


15.4    The Committee noted the importance of working in partnership on the matters raised in the Panel’s report.


15.5    When confirmed by ECSOSC the report would be forwarded to CSF for information.


15.6         The Committee wished to add an additional recommendation; that the report be publicised as widely as possible.


15.7    RESOLVED;  1) that  the scrutiny panel’s report be endorsed.

2)         that the report recommendations be referred to the council’s Executive, the council’s Community Safety Forum for information and to the appropriate partner organisations

3)         In line with the scrutiny panel’s recommendation 18, that monitoring actions following the scrutiny review, be included in the Committee’s work plan

4)         In line with the scrutiny panel’s recommendation 18, that community safety work regarding minority older groups, be included in the Committee’s work plan

5)         that the report be publicised as widely as possible.


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