Issue - items at meetings - St. Mary's School Closure

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Issue - meetings

St. Mary's School Closure

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 The Potential Impact of Independent School Closures on City Schools pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services.


17.1         This item was taken after Agenda Item 20.


17.2         Steve Healey, Head of Admissions and Transport presented the report to Members and answered questions.


17.3         It was noted that although the Council does not have legal powers to take over redundant independent schools, they did still have a dialogue with these schools.  However, the opportunity to influence independent schools was limited with regard to how they choose to make use of their premises and resources.


17.4         In response to a question on forecast figures for secondary school places, Members were informed that the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) initiative was working on forecasting figures and this information would be in the public domain soon, with community and parental consultation planned. Longhill High School’s building programme, which was already underway but outside the BSF initiative, had already provided some additional places.


17.5         Members noted that the main purpose of BSF would be to provide good quality upgrading of school premises, not just additional places. Forecasting pupil numbers for primary schools was subject to a limited planning horizon, as data in the form of GP registration records was not available until age 1 leaving just a 3 year window until school admission to Reception class. 


17.6         Members were advised that to date there was no indication that significant numbers of pupils would be leaving independent school and going into maintained schools.  Nonetheless the Admissions Team would be monitoring closely so that any potential change in the pattern was identified early.


17.7         RESOLVED

(1)               The Committee noted the report and agreed to take no further action.


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