Issue - items at meetings - Corporate Parenting

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Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

19 Corporate Parenting pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services.

Additional documents:


19.1         Liz Rugg- Assistant Director, Citywide Services presented the report and answered Members questions.


19.2         Members were informed that there were 441 Looked After Children (LAC) at the end of August 09 which is a 20% increase in the last year, resulting in a pressure on the system.


19.3         In answer to a question on whether CYPOSC could give support for increased resources, this was discussed and a form of words was agreed which asked the DCS to bear in mind the increased numbers and hence the increased pressure at the point at which the budget is set within CYPT. Members were also concerned about the relatively high numbers of LAC having a substance misuse problem. The Assistant Director told Members it was uncertain as to why Brighton & Hove’s percentage were double that of national and regional comparators. This may have been due to the City’s high substance misuse figures and people migrating from neighbouring areas, who had substance misuse problems. Further work will be done on this indicator to try and tease out the underlying factors.


19.4         The Assistant Director confirmed that there was good communication with the neighbouring authorities on good practice initiatives so that learning can be shared.


19.5         The Committee was told that there was an increased activity in child protection plans since the Baby P case at Haringey and  understandable impact on individual staff from all sectors.


19.6         Members were advised that currently there are 46 small babies or pre- birth assessments underway where maternal substance misuse is the issue so that babies are being born substance dependent. It is important that there is secure early permanence planning for this group of children.


19.7         In answer to a question on why LAC were being excluded members were told that schools were expected to give as much advance warning as possible if exclusion were likely so that additional support could be put in to try and avoid the exclusion and immediate alternatives offered once the exclusion has taken place.


19.8         A Member asked whether a future ad-hoc Scrutiny Panel was needed to look into the quality of care to increase knowledge about this area but it was felt that an annual reporting cycle and performance report that pulls together outcomes for LAC would be the best way forward.




(1)   Members agreed all the recommendations.

(2)   Members recommended that ensuring good outcomes for LAC shouldbe considered within the budget setting process for the CYPT.


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