Issue - items at meetings - Update on Safeguarding

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Issue - meetings

Update on Safeguarding

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

20 Update on Safeguarding pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services.


20.1         This item was taken after Agenda Item 18.


20.2         Steve Barton, Assistant Director – Strategic Commissioning and Governance presented the report and answered questions.


20.3         In answer to a question on the membership of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), Members were informed that the Panel consisted of representatives from the Local Health Economy and Community Voluntary Sector, Police, CYPT Trust, CAFCASS, Probationary Service, Ambulance Service and has an independent Chair.


20.4         Members noted that the Annual report would go to the LSCB on the 3 November, 2009.


20.5         Rohan Lowe, Youth Council Representative asked how the two new posts; Head of Safeguarding and the new LSCB Manager/Development post would help to protect the increased number of abused children needing Child Protection Plans, the Committee were advised that the new Head of Safeguarding would be responsible for looking at the management of Child Protection Plans and to look at the overarching management, leadership and coordination of services.  The new LSCB Manager/Development post would coordinate, manage and support the work of the Board and its sub-groups and improve communications.


20.6         Rohan Lowe, Youth Council Representative questioned whether the Trust were increasing the number of Social Workers to deal with the significant increase in child protection, Members were told that there were 5 additional posts and that investing in training and support for all Social Workers would aid workloads. The workloads were challenging and currently child protection numbers continued to increase, but at some point it is anticipated that it would plateau.


20.7         In response to a question on the budget pressures facing the Trust, Members were informed that these pressures would be taken into account in the making of future budgets.


Members noted that there was an additional Budget meeting arranged for the 5 January for CYPOSC and this will be an opportunity for members to raise their concerns.


20.8         In answer to a question on whether CYPOSC could have access to other reports including the LSCB Annual report, Members noted that the Children’s Trust had to be cautious about sharing some sensitive information, and the LSCB report will be a public document.


20.9         In relation to a question on the high levels of administration work that Social Workers had regarding the completion assessment of forms e.g. Child Protection Plans and Common Assessment Framework (CAF); Members were informed how an Interim member of staff was covering some of the administration work and also that the current electronic systems were more advanced than other authorities; which would free up a post to carry out more direct work with young children.


20.10    RESOLVED-

(1)               CYPOSC noted the report and action taken by the CYPT and the LSCB.


(2)               CYPOSC recommended that the budget for 2010/11 should take the Trusts’ challenges into account.


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