Issue - items at meetings - 4th Quarter of the Performance Improvement Report (PIR)

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Issue - meetings

4th Quarter of the Performance Improvement Report (PIR)

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

21 4th Quarter of the Performance Improvement Report (PIR) pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services.

Additional documents:


21.1         This item was taken after Agenda Item 19.


21.2         Steve Barton, Assistant Director – Strategic Commissioning and Governance presented the report and answered questions.


21.3         In relation to Teenage Conception rates, Members were informed that there was an Action Plan in place. Members requested that the Plan be circulated to CYPOSC.


21.4         In answer to a question on Persistent Absence and whether there was a correlation with misbehaviour and exclusions, Members were informed there was evidence to support this.


A member informed the Panel that persistent absence was linked to bullying and a holistic view needs to be taken by schools.


21.5         In answer to a question on the Parenting Programme and how the Trust responds to the needs of challenging targets e.g. traveller families, substance misusing parents, parents of young people at risk of homelessness and young fathers; Members were informed that the Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) Tip Sheets and programmes gave important advice to all groups of parents covering varying issues.


21.6         In answer to a question on the development tools for working alongside CAF, members were informed that lower grade school nurses were being recruited, who would develop the relevant skills needed for our City; who would have salary increments according to the developments of their skills.


21.7         In answer to a question on what post terminations support there was, Members were informed that there were expert Nurses who were doing direct 1 to 1 work; from giving advice on practical issues to looking at innovative ways that young men and women could carry contraception around with them.


In response to how difficult it is to go through the termination and the added issue of having to travel to varying places, Members were told how young women were given information on the locations of the Contraception and Sexual Health (CASH) services; which were more accessible.


21.8         Members noted the Trust was committed to signing up to surveys to find out young people’s views and new methods were being used e.g. texting.


21.9         Members noted that the Trust had a good database, the 14-19 Agenda and September Guarantee meant that the Trust could work on their target groups. The current recession has meant that there was an additional 250 young people in this year’s September cohort who were staying on in education.


21.10    RESOLVED-

(1)   Members noted the report and thanked the Assistant Director – Strategic Commissioning and Governance for presenting it.


(2)   The Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan to be circulated to CYPOSC.


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