Issue - items at meetings - Place Survey
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Place Survey
Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 29)
Report of the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance.
Additional documents:
- Item 29 Place Survey Appendix 1, item 29 PDF 107 KB View as HTML (29/2) 176 KB
- Webcast for Place Survey
29.1 Cabinet Member for Central Services, Councillor Ayas Fallon-Khan and the Head of Analysis and Research introduced the report on the Place Survey 2008: Findings and Comparator Results.
29.2 There are some significant areas of extremely good results, such as residents being happy with Brighton and Hove as a place to live, and others where more work is needed. Further mapping and analysis could be done if needed.
29.3 Explaining some of the findings in more depth, the Head of Analysis and Research explained that many of the results are based on perceptions which are influenced by expectations and both were difficult to quantify and interpret. For example, our satisfaction levels as a council have stayed relatively stable since 2000 where levels have declined considerably in other areas.. The media and messages about the council also have an effect on perceptions.
29.4 The Commission heard replies to questions about anti-social behaviour, refuse and doorstep recycling collections and getting involved in decisions. Communal bins and the recruitment for a six-month period of a social media officer were also discussed.
29.5 Additional funding from the DCLG had been secured to support community engagement across the City. In line with the duty to involve and promote democracy, the ‘Get Involved’ day was being planned for 21 November.
29.6 The Chairman asked that the draft City Volunteering Strategy (report paragraph 4.3 refers) be brought to OSC.
29.7 RESOLVED; (1) that the report be noted and (2) that the draft volunteering strategy be requested to a future meeting.