Issue - items at meetings - Work Programme

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Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 Work Programme pdf icon PDF 49 KB

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22.1           This item was taken after Agenda Item 22.


22.2           Members were informed about the items on the Agenda for the next 3 Committee meetings.


22.3           A Member wanted to add to the work programme an item about the attainment of Children in Care (CiC).


22.4           It was agreed to receive an update on School Meals, it’s take up and  progress of the cashless system in a year’s time.


22.5           RESOLVED-

(1)             The Committee agreed the Work Programme.

(2)             Quality of Care and Attainment of CiC would be added to the Programme.

(3)             An update on School Meals, it’s take up and progress of the cashless system in a year’s time, would be programmed into September 2010.


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