Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove Youth Council Update and Presentation

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Issue - meetings

Brighton & Hove Youth Council Update and Presentation

Meeting: 07/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 22)

22 Brighton & Hove Youth Council Update and Presentation pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the information in the report be noted.  


22.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Brighton & Hove Youth Council (BHYC). The report and presentation provided an overview of Brighton & Hove Youth Council 2008/09 (including the UK Youth Parliament) – why it existed, how it worked, its current campaigns, its achievements in the last 6 months, and the challenges for the future (for copy, see minute book).


22.2    The Youth Council representatives noted the budget and finance constraints that the BHYC currentlyfaced. In answer to questions, the representatives clarified that food and travel were compensative in the activities and events they organised and participated in; however, there seemed to be less and less money available to support their work. They reported that the more successful the group became, the more challenging the budget also became. It was explained that the number of people involved with the Youth Council project had doubled, but the budget had not followed that increase. They also advised that they would continue to apply for a variety of funds to be able to carry on with their work.


22.3    Members very much welcomed the report and the presentation. They congratulated the BHYC for the work they were doing and for the engagement and dedication the group demonstrated. Members also noted the importance of the work this group undertook, and hoped that the two representatives sitting on the Board were getting something out of this work for themselves as well.


22.4    The Youth Council representatives noted they were pleased with the opportunity to, through their involvement with the Youth Council, have a say on what goes on in the city. They welcomed the education and the support available for young people. 


22.5    Members noted the constraints in budget, which they recognised was a general concern to many, and agreed to, collectively, look into ways of supporting the BHYC’s financial needs.


22.6    The Chairman thanked the two representatives for their presentation and their participation as members of the Board.


22.7    RESOLVED - That the information in the report be noted. 


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