Issue - items at meetings - Reform of Education for Young People Aged 14-19 Years

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Issue - meetings

Reform of Education for Young People Aged 14-19 Years

Meeting: 07/09/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 23)

23 Reform of Education for Young People Aged 14-19 Years pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the contents of the report be noted.


23.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the reform of education for young people aged 14-19 years. The report updated members of the Board on the work that was in progress in relation to the structure of education, training and qualifications for young people aged 14-19 years, and the plans for introducing the new curriculum (for copy see minute book).


23.2    The Senior Secondary and Special Schools Officer presented the item and highlighted the main points relating to the reform of education for this age group in terms of the aims and priorities from the DCSF (see appendix 1 to the minutes).


23.3    The Senior Officer also referred to an event, which was being organised for November 2009, aimed for young people to show them the array of choices available to them. She indicated that the event was the first of its kind in the city and had been signed up by all schools and had taken different employers and other agencies on board. She noted that councillors and members of the Board were welcome to attend, and indicated that an invitation would be circulated to all in due course.


23.4    Councillor Alford noted the increased figure of pupils leaving education at the age of 17. He sought clarification about the exact number of 17 year olds who had become NEET. The Senior Officer agreed to look into this information and respond directly to Councillor Alford. 


23.5    Members also sought clarification about the process of apprentices and how these were going to work. They noted that, in the past, the system had not been very successful and enquired whether officers were looking into getting further commitment from employers, in particular the local authority and the NHS as the city’s major employers.


23.6    The Senior Secondary and Special Schools Officer reported that work was currently under way to develop this area. She indicated that further update and development on this matter would be brought to a future meeting of the Board. 


23.5    In answer to questions, the Senior Officer also explained that, in the process of transfer of responsibilities, FE colleges would not be integrated within the Local Authority (LA). She noted that only the funding and the commissioning system process would be done via the LA.


23.8    RESOLVED -  That the contents of the report be noted.


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