Issue - items at meetings - Council Tax collection

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Issue - meetings

Council Tax collection

Meeting: 15/12/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 60)

60 Council Tax Collection Policy pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Report of the Director, Finance and Resources

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60.1     The Head of Scrutiny handed around an updated version of the front page of the report.


60.2     The Cabinet Member for Central Services was pleased that this service area had been called in for Overview. A lot of work had gone on to improve the service to customers, however the extent of the work was not well known. He was glad of the opportunity to thank the officers in the award-winning Revenues and Benefits section for the improvements that had been made.


60.3     If residents started to get into arrears they were encouraged to contact the council at an early stage to try to make sustainable payment arrangements and avoid accumulating debt.


60.4     The Head of Revenue and Benefits and Assistant Director, Customer Services introduced the report and explained in answers to questions that legislation did not allow for all residents to pay in 12-monthly instalments. However this could be arranged under some circumstances; for example if people contacted the service to say they were having difficulties.


60.5     There are close working links between Revenues and Benefits, Adult Social Care, Housing and Pension Service and Electoral Services.


60.6    A team of officers are available to help in person, the small minority of people who do arrive at court, as the result of having received a summons, to set up sustainable repayment arrangements.


60.7Members praised the officers for a thorough and interesting report.


60.8    RESOLVED: that the report be noted.



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