Issue - items at meetings - Overview and Scrutiny - Best Practice

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Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny - Best Practice

Meeting: 20/10/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 47)

47 Overview and Scrutiny Good Practice pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Director Strategy and Governance

Additional documents:


47.1 The Head of Scrutiny introduced the report on Overview and Scrutiny Good Practice.


47.2 He said one area in particular – planning for ad hoc panels – could be improved. Some local authorities arrange an annual ‘trawl’ for suggestions of matters for scrutiny from councillors, residents and partners.  The matters are then scoped and brought back to a scrutiny coordinating group for prioritisation.


47.3 This would allow for more input from partners and help plan resources while still allowing for flexibility for Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ own issues to be brought forward.


47.4 Councillors welcomed this approach however there was some concern that expectations could be unrealistically high. The process therefore had to be carefully managed.


47.5 Cabinet Member briefings were suggested on the findings of scrutiny reviews prior to publication and some members thought closer working would be achieved if the Head of Scrutiny were invited to Departmental Management Teams.


47.6 Members agreed that further publicity about scrutiny was needed, to promote the role of scrutiny and encourage members of the public to suggest possible topics. Involving residents and others on scrutiny panels was also seen as beneficial.


47.7 The Commission wished the tripartite meetings that had started between Scrutiny Chairmen, Lead Members and Directors, to continue.


47.8 To discuss equalities and inclusion issues the Commission suggested that Councillor Simson be invited to a future OSC meeting.  Councillor Simson attended ECSOSC twice yearly in her roles as Cabinet Member for Community Affairs, Inclusion and Internal Relations and Chairman of Community Safety Forum.



  1. Supported  in principle the development of an annual work programme for scrutiny panels
  2. Welcomed the introduction of regular meetings between Cabinet Members and Scrutiny Committee Chairs
  3. Requested officers undertake further investigation on ways to improve the involvement of residents in the scrutiny process





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