Issue - items at meetings - ICT Fund 2009-2010
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ICT Fund 2009-2010
Meeting: 12/10/2009 - Central Services Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 28)
28 ICT Fund 2009-2010 PDF 95 KB
Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
1. That the allocation of the ICT Fund as set out in the report be agreed.
28.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources, which set out proposals for the use of the 2009/10 ICT fund and detailed how the expenditure would help support the council’s business objectives (for copy see minute book).
28.2 The Opposition Spokesperson noted that the Audit Committee had previously raised concerns about the ICT spending. He sought assurance that the proposals and investments set out in the report would be kept under control.
28.3 The Cabinet Member noted the concerns raised and reassured the Opposition Spokesperson that officers would do all that was possible to maintain the level of expenditure detailed in the report.
28.4 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That the allocation of the ICT Fund as set out in the report be agreed.