Issue - items at meetings - "The Place" report

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Issue - meetings

"The Place" report

Meeting: 17/11/2009 - Governance Committee (Item 45)

45 Place Survey 2008: Findings and Comparator Results pdf icon PDF 45 KB

(i)           Extract from the proceedings of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on the 8 September 2009 (copy attached).


(ii)         Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).

Additional documents:




(1)         That the extract of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 8 September 2009 be noted.


(2)         That the report be noted.


(3)         That the presentation be noted.


45.1         The Committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance concerning the results of the Brighton and Hove Place Survey (for copy see minute book).


45.2         The Chief Executive advised that the Place Survey was one of the most important pieces of research the Council had access to; it showed how residents really felt about the Council. The results would allow the Council to consider how specific groups felt about services and particular issues in the city, and this would also inform links between the Council and partner organisations. He added that the level of scrutiny given to the results was encouraging and refreshing.


45.3         The Assistant Director for Customer Service gave a presentation on how the Place Survey linked to work on customer insight, and in particular explained the purpose and benefits of the Mosaic Social Profiling Tool (see Appendix 1 to the minutes).


45.4         Councillor Elgood commented that he had been shocked by how few people felt as though they belonged to their immediate neighbourhood; this summed up the results of the Place Survey and set the challenge for the Council.


45.5         Councillor Randall advised that it was vital for the Council to meet the basic expectations of residents and that a further challenge was to increase the number of people who felt they could influence decisions in their local area.


45.6         Councillor Simpson commented that the outcomes in relation to tourism and transport were encouraging. She hoped the Council would work on tackling anti-social behaviour, which was a recurring issue both in her ward and in the survey results.


45.7         The Chief Executive added that the results served to suggest a work programme for the Council.


45.8         Councillor Mears advised that the Council would use the Mosaic Social Profiling Tool to ensure best value was achieved in the areas where improvements are made; she added that it was necessary to show that the Council was delivering.


45.9         Councillor Fallon-Khan commented that the results would inform how the Council moved forward, but noted that it was important to consider the expectations of respondents when interpreting the results; the Mosaic Social Profiling Tool would allow the Council to concentrate on how services were provided.


45.10    The Head of Analysis & Research reminded Members that the Brighton and Hove Local Intelligence Service (BHLIS) was available to them and provided a wide range of national and local statistics and indicators relating to Brighton & Hove at many different geographic levels; it included information from Mosaic and the Place Survey. She advised ward profiles were available as an alternative.


45.11    RESOLVED


(1)               That the extract of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 8 September 2009 be noted.


(2)               That the report be noted.


(3)               That the presentation be noted.


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