Issue - items at meetings - Chairman's Communications

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Issue - meetings

Chairman's Communications

Meeting: 18/11/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 25)

Chairman's Communications


25.1    The Chairman asked the Assistant Director – Strategic Commissioning and Governance to update the Committee on the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). The Members heard that the CYPP was endorsed by the Children and Young People’s Trust (CYPT) Board on the 2 November, 2009. The statutory Plan would go to Full Council on the 10 December, 2009 and that due to a technical error the report could not come to CYPOSC today and had been moved to the 20 January CYPOSC meeting.


25.2         The Committee were informed that the School Exclusions Ad-hoc Panel met on the 14 October 2009 & 5 November 2009 and had gathered evidence from Officers, Parents, Councillor Juliet McCaffrey and a Professor from the Self-Managed Learning Centre, within private and public meetings.


Additional to this the Panel went and visited 5 schools on the 2 November, 2009; Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Alternative Centre for Education (ACE), Hove Park Secondary School, Carlton Hill Primary School and Patcham House Special School. The focus of the Panel’s work is around best practice and links with exclusion and Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).


25.3         The Chairman informed the Committee that the Children and Alcohol report was going to the Licensing Committee on Thursday 26 November for their comments.


25.4    The Chairman told the Members that there were still vacancies for Parent Governors and a representative from Children’s Social Care on the Committee.


25.5    The Chairman reminded the Committee that there was an additional meeting on Tuesday 5th January, 2010 to discuss the budget.


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