Issue - items at meetings - Housing Management Repairs, Refurbishment & Improvements Strategic Partnership Super Centre Proposal
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Housing Management Repairs, Refurbishment & Improvements Strategic Partnership Super Centre Proposal
Meeting: 09/12/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 134)
Joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That Cabinet gives authorisation for the council to take a lease for 20 years of Unit 1, Fairway Trading Estate, Eastergate Road, Brighton subject to agreement of detailed terms to be approved by the Director of Finance & Resources.
(2) That Cabinet gives approval for the funding of the refurbishment costs of the Super Centre from HRA general reserves as set out in paragraph 3.11.
134.1 The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources concerning proposals for a Housing Management Repairs, Refurbishment & Improvement Strategic Partnership Super Centre (for copy see minute book).
134.2 Councillor Randall welcomed the proposals and commented that it was a concept he had long supported. He hoped that a learning centre could be included in the building and added that the Council should push further in terms of procurement to secure additional savings.
134.3 In response to questions from Councillor Hawkes, Councillor Caulfield made the following comments:
§ The internal layout of the building had not been finalised, there was capacity for a police base and discussions with the police were ongoing.
§ The proposals would initially be funded from HRA reserves, but would be built into the capital programme and included as part of the 30 year business plan.
§ Mears Limited had been chosen as the preferred bidder because tenants were impressed by their proposals. They would provide at least 200 apprenticeships, support social enterprise and the local community and tenants as a whole. It was hoped that the centre would become a community hub.
134.4 The Chairman stated that tenants had been asking for a Super Centre for some time and that the proposals would offer a visible and accountable base for services.
134.5 RESOLVED- That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That Cabinet gives authorisation for the council to take a lease for 20 years of Unit 1, Fairway Trading Estate, Eastergate Road, Brighton subject to agreement of detailed terms to be approved by the Director of Finance & Resources.
(2) That Cabinet gives approval for the funding of the refurbishment costs of the Super Centre from HRA general reserves as set out in paragraph 3.11.