Issue - items at meetings - Tenancy Agreement Review

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Issue - meetings

Tenancy Agreement Review

Meeting: 14/01/2010 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 75)

Tenancy Agreement Review

Report of Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the results of the consultation exercise and the themes arising as detailed in appendix 1, be noted.


(2)       That the implementation of the revised tenancy agreement, as attached at appendix 2 be agreed.



75.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing which presented the results of the statutory consultation carried out with all the tenants on the adoption of a revised tenancy agreement for tenants living in council housing.  The Cabinet Member was presented with an amended draft of the revised tenancy agreement as a result of comments received during the consultation (for copy see minute book).

75.2    RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:

(1)       That the results of the consultation exercise and the themes arising as detailed in appendix 1, be noted.


(2)       That the implementation of the revised tenancy agreement, as attached at appendix 2 be agreed.



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