Issue - items at meetings - Housing Revenue Account Budget 2010/11
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Housing Revenue Account Budget 2010/11
Meeting: 11/02/2010 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 177)
177 Housing Revenue Account Budget 2010/11 PDF 118 KB
Joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 177 Appendix 1, item 177 PDF 53 KB View as HTML (177/2) 106 KB
- Item 177 Appendix 2, item 177 PDF 57 KB View as HTML (177/3) 62 KB
- Item 177 Appendix 3, item 177 PDF 41 KB View as HTML (177/4) 79 KB
- Webcast for Housing Revenue Account Budget 2010/11
(1) That Cabinet recommends Council to:
(a) Approve the budget for 2010/11 as shown in Appendix 1.
(b) Approve individual rent increases and decreases in line with rent restructuring principles as determined by the Government.
(c) Approve the changes to fees and charges as detailed in paragraph 3.14 to 3.23.
177.1 The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources presenting the Housing Revenue Account Forecast Outturn for 2009/10 as at month 9 and the proposed Budget for 2010/11 as required by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (for copy see minute book).
177.2 Councillor Caulfield highlighted the negative increase in the council’s housing subsidy settlement from central government and advised that tenants were supportive of the budget proposals, but continued to be disappointed in relation to the subsidy settlement.
177.3 In response to comments from Councillor Mitchell in relation to the effect on the HRA budget of the council’s decision to repay debt prematurely, the Chairman advised that the council had received a negative settlement in the first year following the change of Administration due to the recalculation of rates in relation to the proposed stock transfer.
177.4 Councillor Caulfield advised that the General Fund repayment of £330,000 had been funded through service pressures and had not affected the HRA budget.
177.5 Councillor Randall stated that he felt that the housing subsidy system was unfair and did not benefit tenants; he hoped that the government would consider making changes to it.
He stated that he hoped the housing super centre would include a tenant resource centre and offered to arrange for tenants to visit such a centre belonging to a housing association that he worked with.
177.6 In response to questions from Councillor Randall, Councillor Caulfield explained that payments for the TUPE arrangements would be made over 3 years. She reiterated that the super centre was for tenants and that other resources would be located there; the council would work with tenants to determine the best use of space.
177.7 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That Council be recommended to:
(a) Approve the budget for 2010/11 as shown in Appendix 1.
(b) Approve individual rent increases and decreases in line with rent restructuring principles as determined by the Government.
(c) Approve the changes to fees and charges as detailed in paragraph 3.14 to 3.23.