Issue - items at meetings - Whitehawk Co-location Project

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Issue - meetings

Whitehawk Co-location Project

Meeting: 14/01/2010 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 161)

161 Whitehawk Co-location Project pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That Cabinet notes the content of the report and the processes that will be undertaken going forward.


(2)         That Cabinet agrees the sale of the two properties outlined in paragraph 3.10 and ring fence the capital receipt toward the funding of the project.


(3)         That the Director of Finance and Resources be authorised to enter negotiations regarding the disposal of land required to generate the necessary capital receipt.


(4)         That the project be added to the Capital Programme.


161.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services informing Members of the outcome of the Co-Location bid and the processes to be undertaken to deliver the project (for copy see minute book).


161.2                Councillor Hawkes welcomed the project and stated that the government funding would enable the council to move forward on a project that would give support to the whole community. She asked for confirmation of whether the existing youth centre would be demolished and were staff would be relocated to.


161.3                Councillor Brown confirmed that the land housing the youth centre and library would have to be sold, but that the demolition would not take place until the new buildings were ready. She advised that staff affected would be relocated to space within Whitehawk Primary School.


161.4                The Chairman reported that she had received a petition from residents in relation to the project and that it would be referred to the next Children & Young People Cabinet Member Meeting.


161.5                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the report and the processes to be undertaken going forward be noted.


(2)         That the sale of the two properties outlined in paragraph 3.10 be agreed and the capital receipt be ring fenced toward the funding of the project.


(3)         That the Director of Finance and Resources be authorised to enter negotiations regarding the disposal of land required to generate the necessary capital receipt.


(4)         That the project be added to the Capital Programme.


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