Issue - items at meetings - Accommodation Strategy - Update and Proposals

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Issue - meetings

Accommodation Strategy - Update and Proposals

Meeting: 14/01/2010 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 157)

157 Accommodation Strategy - Update and Proposals pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That Cabinet notes the proposed next steps in the corporate Accommodation Strategy.


(2)         That Cabinet approves the outline business case for the proposed exit of Priory House and the re-location of services to Bartholomew House and other subsidiary buildings.


(3)         That Cabinet approves the creation of a unified public walk-in access point for council services in the centre of Brighton at Bartholomew House.


(4)         That Cabinet authorises the further development of the detailed business case, detailed design and preparatory works.


(5)         That Cabinet requests a further report on the implementation of the proposals following consultations and detailed business case preparation.


157.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources updating Members on the corporate Accommodation Strategy (for copy see minute book).


157.2                Councillor Randall commented that the proposals were interesting and would be a positive step if it saved the council money in the long term. He highlighted common problems associated with hot-desking and home-working, but added that it could prove very successful after a bedding in period. He asked for information on how many members of staff worked from home during the recent snowfall.


157.3                Councillor Fallon-Khan stated that the move to more flexible working would be a significant change, but that in the longer term it would improve morale, help towards the ‘Investors in People’ standard and improve productivity, services and customer access for residents. He reported that the whole of the ICT department worked from home during the adverse weather conditions, but that figures were not available for the whole organisation. He added that the proposals represented a large investment, and that the Council would make significant savings over time.


157.4                Councillor Caulfield requested that, as part of the process, consideration be given to the Bartholomew House housing staff’s ICT infrastructure.


157.5                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the proposed next steps in the corporate Accommodation Strategy be noted.


(2)         That the outline business case for the proposed exit of Priory House and the re-location of services to Bartholomew House and other subsidiary buildings be approved.


(3)         That the creation of a unified public walk-in access point for council services in the centre of Brighton at Bartholomew House be approved.


(4)         That the further development of the detailed business case, detailed design and preparatory works be authorised.


(5)         That a further report on the implementation of the proposals following consultations and detailed business case preparation be requested.


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