Issue - items at meetings - Disposal of Cedars Lodge, Cedars Gardens
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Disposal of Cedars Lodge, Cedars Gardens
Meeting: 18/01/2010 - Central Services Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 45)
45 Disposal of Cedars Lodge, Cedars Gardens PDF 72 KB
Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That the disposal of the freehold interest of Cedars Lodge be approved.
2. That the retention of some of the garden land and the ring fencing of an amount from the sale receipt to pay for the cost of highways improvements to Cedars Gardens be approved.
3. That, with regard to (2) above, the Director of Finance & Resources be granted delegated powers to make a decision on the extent of land to be retained and the amount of money to be ring fenced from the sale receipt.
45.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources concerning the disposal of Cedars Lodge, Cedars Gardens. The report informed the Cabinet Member of the current position in relation to this property and sought approval to dispose of it in the open market whilst keeping retention of some of the garden land (for copy see minute book).
45.2 The Head of Law drew attention to the recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 set out in the report. He noted that the said paragraphs did not specify which piece of land would be retained and the amount of money being proposed for ring fencing. In view of this and to avoid possible ambiguities, the Head of Law proposed that an additional recommendation be added to the report, requesting that delegated power be given to the Director of Finance and Resources to make a decision on these matters when the time came to do so.
45.3 The Cabinet Member noted the above comments and was agreeable to a further recommendation being added to reflect the advice given above.
45.4 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report and those discussed at today’s meeting, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the disposal of the freehold interest of Cedars Lodge be approved.
(2) That the retention of some of the garden land and the ring fencing of an amount from the sale receipt to pay for the cost of highways improvements to Cedars Gardens be approved.
(3) That, with regard to (2) above, the Director of Finance & Resources be granted delegated powers to make a decision on the extent of land to be retained and the amount of money to be ring fenced from the sale receipt.