Issue - items at meetings - Homelessness Grant – CLG Grant Allocation 2010/11
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Homelessness Grant – CLG Grant Allocation 2010/11
Meeting: 03/03/2010 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 92)
92 Homelessness Grant – CLG Grant Allocation 2010/11* PDF 257 KB
Report of Director of Housing, Culture and Enterprise (copy attached).
(1) That the allocation amongst external agencies and internal teams be approved as set out in Appendix B, which circulated in part 2 of the agenda papers.
(2) That the progress and outcomes of funded services from this grant funding in 2009/10 be noted, as set out in Appendix A of the report.
92.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Housing, Culture & Enterprise which outlined the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) Homelessness Grant Allocation for 2010/11 and sought approval for the allocation of the grants for 2010/11 amongst external agencies and internal teams to further the work of the Council’s Homelessness Strategy. Appendix B in Part 2 of the agenda set out the funding allocation amongst external agencies and internal teams. These initiatives were put out to tender and the tendering amounts were commercially sensitive.
92.2 The Cabinet Member congratulated staff who had worked hard on the cold weather initiative. She mentioned that she had attended a meeting at St Mungo’s in London. They were looking at the links between mental health and street homelessness and were impressed with the work that was being carried out in Brighton & Hove.
92.3 Councillor Randall asked about the reduced funding for the Sanctuary Scheme. As the take up had been low, he asked whether the scheme had been highly publicised. He also asked how many people used the night shelter. The Housing Options Manager, Single Homeless and Work & Learning explained that the Sanctuary Scheme Fund was used as a last resource. In terms of advertising, officers were working with police magazines and with all victims of crime. Meanwhile, 20 people used the night shelter and 20 people were in bed and breakfast.
92.4 Councillor Randall expressed concern over the counts and queried the accuracy of the figures. The Housing Options Manager explained that the counts were carried out in accordance with guidance from central government. However, the council also carried out street audits and the government were moving towards this way of counting. Meanwhile, the council had a duty to report to the CLG in the way they required.
92.5 Councillor Randall asked for the council’s audit figures to be made available. The Housing Options Manager agreed to include these figures in an update report in June 2010.
92.6 Councillor Simpson referred to paragraph 3.8 of the report and queried why she could not find details about “working hostels” in the Part 2 Appendix. Councillor Simpson also asked about the changes to the Homeless Strategy Officer post. The Housing Options Manager explained that officers were waiting to hear if there would be lottery funding for additional posts for the “Working Hostels”. Meanwhile, the Homeless Strategy Officer role could change from year to year.
92.7 Councillor Randall asked if officers were investigating why street homeless numbers were increasing. The Housing Options Manager explained that this was partly due to an increase in migrants from central Europe. There would be a needs assessment, and a report from the Crime Reduction Initiative was expected soon. There had been initiatives in London and elsewhere to end rough sleeping and this had led to many rough sleepers moving to the city.
92.8 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the allocation amongst external agencies and internal teams be approved as set out in Appendix B, which was circulated in part 2 of the agenda papers.
(2) That the progress and outcomes of funded services from this grant funding in 2009/10 be noted, as set out in Appendix A of the report.