Issue - items at meetings - Personalisation

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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/03/2010 - Adult Social Care & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)

50 Personalisation pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Acting Director of Adult Social Care (copy attached)

Additional documents:


50.1    This Item was introduced by Denise D’Souza, Acting Director of Adult Social Care.


50.2    In response to a query as to the impact of grant funding ending this financial year, members were told that money provided via the Social Care Reform Grant had been used to ‘pump-prime’ various initiatives rather than as a funding source for ongoing expenditure, as it had always been recognised that this money would be available for only three years. The roll-out of the Re-ablement programme is expected to relieve pressure on the Community Care budget, as it will reduce people’s reliance upon long-term care packages, reducing community care expenditure.


50.3    RESOLVED – That the report be noted and an update be received by the Committee in six month’s time.


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