Issue - items at meetings - Children & Young People's Plan: Performance Report

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Issue - meetings

Children & Young People's Plan: Performance Report

Meeting: 22/03/2010 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 49)

49 Children & Young People's Plan: Performance Improvement Report pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the data and analysis in the CYPP Performance Report be noted and the action being taken to improve performance be agreed.

2.       That the Board agrees the report provides the necessary information to allow it to fulfil its statutory duty to “monitor a strategic Children and Young People’s Plan for the local area”.


3.       That the new format of the report be agreed.



49.1.   The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) Performance Report for the financial year 2009/10 to date.


49.2    Members noted the inclusion of predominantly southern towns and cities used as comparators in the report on Substance Misuse by Young People (NI 115).


49.3    The report author responded that the selection were statistical neighbours determined by similarities of profile which by chance had comprised of predominantly southern areas.


49.4    A Member commented that the report stated that responses at secondary level were strongly based from one particular school and asked if there was any intention to widen the focus.


49.5    The author of the report answered that the process was for schools to nominate themselves and although participation was encouraged, the frankness of the results could act as a deterrent in the expectancy of negative publicity.


49.6    Members asked if the results in NI115 were based on self-substance misuse or witnessing substance misuse.


49.7    The report author responded that the results were based on questions posed about self-misuse in the last four weeks.


49.8    Members enquired if the figures on Child Poverty (NI 116) included other benefits in addition to the ones noted.


49.9    The report author clarified that he believed the results to be based on the receipt of multiple benefits although child tax credit was not one of these.


49.10  Members noted that the presentation of the report had stated an issue with figures on Social Care (NI 59).


49.11   The author of the report explained that results may have been undermined by an incorrect measurement of the data but that performance would still be of a poor standard.


49.12  The Director of Children’s Services commented to the Board that the report was an opportunity to clarify current performance and to help the improvement measures required.


49.13  Members agreed that negative results from the report would need to be examined.


49.14  RESOLVED- That the Board approve the following recommendations:


1.         That the data and analysis in the CYPP Performance Report be noted and the action being taken to improve performance be agreed.

2.         That the Board agrees the report provides the necessary information to allow it to fulfil its statutory duty to “monitor a strategic Children and Young People’s Plan for the local area”.


3.         That the new format of the report be agreed.



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