Issue - items at meetings - Climate Change report to endorse
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Climate Change report to endorse
Meeting: 20/07/2010 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 16)
16 Climate Change Scrutiny Review PDF 73 KB
Report of the Scrutiny Panel, to follow
Additional documents:
- Item 16 climate change Appendix 1, item 16 PDF 820 KB View as HTML (16/2) 1 MB
- Webcast for Climate Change Scrutiny Review
16.1 The Chairman warmly welcomed Professor Gordon MacKerron as Chair of the Climate Change Adaptation Scrutiny Panel to introduce the report. Professor MacKerron, Director of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University is a Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution and has a long career in energy and environment.
16.2 He said whilst the term ‘Climate Change’ could be viewed as rather abstract, the description ‘Extreme Weather Events’ better described the importance of the matter; with weather also becoming less predictable. The evidence shows there will be significant climate change. This will bring some opportunities – for example long spells of hot weather could benefit tourism - but flooding, coastal erosion and sea level rise were areas of risk for Brighton & Hove. The City Council had already seen threats to business continuity and these were likely to increase.
16.3. Brighton & Hove City Council has a good record in mitigating the effects of climate change including use of renewable energy but significant adaptation to the effects of climate change is also needed in addition to mitigation, he said.
16.4 The Scrutiny Panel took longer than planned but the time was well spent in hearing good evidence and following up. A full record of the evidence - Volume 2 of the report - is available to view on request.
16.5 When agreed the 13 recommendations now needed to be embedded at a high level. A Cabinet Member should take responsibility for action in adapting to climate change. It was important for Local Authorities to work together and to learn from good practice.
16.6 Professor MacKerron said it had been a pleasure to Chair the panel. He thanked Councillors Mitchell, Janio and Wakefield-Jarrett as Panel Members and Karen Amsden, the scrutiny officer.
16.7 Answering questions Professor MacKerron emphasised the need for active cooperation between authorities and said that the Environment Agency could advise on the geographical ranges of potential impacts for Brighton & Hove. He could not confirm that national indicator NI188 would be retained but in his opinion the process was useful.
16.8 Councillor Janio had not supported Recommendation 8 as he felt the adaptation test would be too onerous for some organisations; however Professor MacKerron said that in his own view, most organisations would have thought about adaptation. The other three Panel Members did wish to include this recommendation as part of an on-going process of awareness and encouragement, especially within Intelligent Commissioning.
16.9 Regarding how much could be achieved in Brighton & Hove, a relatively small geographical area with its own microclimate, Councillor MacKerron stated that Climate Change Adaptation is an extremely local issue compared with mitigation which generally requires a wider approach. Much work had been at a national level and there was a raft of help and advice for local authorities.
16.10 Asked about flooding and cold winters of the past, Professor MacKerron explained it was impossible to ascribe individual extreme weather events to climate change. However in the past ten years, events are happening more frequently and with more intensity. Across Europe 8 out of 10 of the hottest years were recorded in the last decade.
16.11 Extreme variability was a major factor in climate change and even if there was some scepticism it would not be expensive to take steps to become more prepared for significant risks.
16.12 Professor MacKerron said he had enjoyed working on the scrutiny review as an external Chairman and would provide feedback on the process.
16.13 RESOLVED; that members
(1) Endorse the Scrutiny panel report and express their thanks to Professor MacKerron and all the Scrutiny Panel Members
(2) Refer the report recommendations to the council’s Executive and to appropriate partner organisations
(3) Instruct officers to prepare a progress report for OSC after 6 months and 12 months and as required.