Issue - items at meetings - O&S Committee updates:

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Issue - meetings

O&S Committee updates:

Meeting: 20/07/2010 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 21)

21 O&S Committee update: CTEOSC pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Report of the Chairman, Culture Tourism and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Amy Kennedy. (Verbal)

Additional documents:


21.1    Councillor Amy Kennedy as new Chair of CTEOSC updated the Commission on the work of her Committee. She paid tribute to Councillor Randall, former CTEOSC Chair and thanked the support officers for their work.


21.2    Recent agenda items had included: the archaeological review of artefacts in our Museums Service; Renaissance Funding; the city’s programme for 2012 Olympics; an update on creative industries; and New England House. CTEOSC would continue to receive updates on these.


21.3    Other reports had been on the city’s approach to tourism and the LAA annual figures. The performance reports now had a particular focus. The recession relief work (phase 2) was covered at the July meeting and the focus of the next performance report is to be worklessness.


21.4    Major Projects is a regular report as a Part 2 item.


21.5    The Committee used workshops to explore policy issues or look at draft strategies. Previous workshops had covered mobile libraries, the cultural strategy for the city, golf courses, the museums forward plan, and the business retention and inward investment strategy. There would be a workshop later this month on the leisure management contract.


21.6    The panel set up to look at the cultural provision for children and young people in the city had finished holding public evidence sessions and would be reporting towards the end of the year.


21.7    Referred to the work programme for 2010/2011 Councillor Kennedy said amongst the important items the Committee would be looking at Value for Money and the Business case for culture. She noted that that the tri-partite meetings held between the Cabinet Members and Scrutiny Committee Chairman were especially helpful.


21.8    RESOLVED that the report be noted.


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