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Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 4)
4 Child Poverty Needs Assessment PDF 81 KB
Report of the Assistant Director – Learning, Schools and Skills (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- That the Board agrees the approach to complete the local child poverty needs assessment as outlined in appendix 1 of the agenda.
- That the Board oversees the progress on the local child poverty needs assessment and subsequent development of the joint child poverty strategy through regular updates.
4.1 The Trust Board considered a report of the Assistant Director of Learning, Schools and Skills on the new duties placed upon the council and the partners of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) under the Child Poverty Act 2010 and the approach for the completion of a Child Poverty Needs Assessment.
4.2 A Member commented that the success of Needs Assessment would be helped by the supply of varying data from the council, health services and community voluntary services and the best way to achieve this would be to work together. She enquired on the best means to feedback to Frank Field MP who was leading on the central government independent review into poverty.
4.3 The Assistant Director for Learning, Schools and Skills responded that this would be looked into to find out and Board Members would be informed.
4.4 A Member praised the inclusion of domestic violence for analysis as this was often overlooked in similar reports and suggested that other links such as mental health and physical disabilities be examined. She also noted her concerns on the suitability of the Intelligent Commissioning structure to maintain responsibility for service providers. Other Members agreed that there is often a multiplicity of issues involved in cases of poverty and as many as possible should be included.
4.5 The Assistant Director for learning, Schools and Skills assured the board that there would be a meaningful, engaging and comprehensive analysis.
4.6 RESOLVED- That the Board agree the approach to complete the local child poverty needs assessment and that the Board oversees the progress on the local child poverty needs assessment and the subsequent development of the joint child poverty strategy through regular updates.