Issue - items at meetings - Workforce Development
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Workforce Development
Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 5)
5 Workforce Development PDF 85 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- The Board note their role in monitoring the progress and impact upon workforce development across the CYPT in support of the delivery of the CPP.
- That the Board note the possibility of more detailed information on request in regard to workforce development.
- Board Members champion active engagement in workforce development across the CYPT partnership in their individual agencies.
- The Board continue to support workforce development as a priority to maintain previous achievements and to build upon them.
5.1 The Trust Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services on CYPT Workforce Development and its development framework, the People Development Strategy. The presenting officer noted that the strategy document could be found on page five of the items appendix.
5.2 The Chairman praised the reports thoroughness and asked the Board Members to decide when an additional report might be suitable.
5.3 A Member praised the partners’ co-operation with the local Universities in developing social workers and a stable, knowledgeable workforce.
5.4 Members agreed that a further report should be supplied within twelve months of the date of the current meeting.
5.5 RESOLVED- The Board noted its role in monitoring the progress and impact of workforce development and agreed that an additional report be timetable for twelve months time.