Issue - items at meetings - JSNA and Child Poverty Assessment

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Issue - meetings

JSNA and Child Poverty Assessment

Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 6)

6 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached)


  1. That the Board note the progress in respect of Strategic Priority 2 and considered the information provided in Appendix 1.



6.1                 The Trust Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The purpose of the report was to bring the Board up to date on the work undertaken on Strategic Priority 2.


6.2                 A Member asked if other data profiles such as domestic violence would be considered in addition to the others noted in 3.9 of the agenda.


6.3                 The presenting officer responded that the profiles were reviewed according to the need of the assessment and domestic violence and others such as mental health would be a part of this. In addition, equality impact officers were included within the JNSA.


6.4                 A Member enquired on how the Intelligent Commissioning model would impact on the JNSA structure.


6.5                 The presenting officer answered that the impact of this change and others was currently being collated and a report would be produced for information when available.


6.6                 RESOLVED- That the Board note the progress in respect of Strategic Priority 2 and the matters arising.


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