Issue - items at meetings - Level 2 Attainment
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Issue - meetings
Level 2 Attainment
Meeting: 01/11/2010 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 15)
15 Children's and Young People's Plan Performance Report PDF 78 KB
Report of the Strategic Director- People (copy attached).
Additional documents:
15.6 RESOLVED- That the Board notes the data and analysis in the CYPP Performance Report and agrees to the action being taken to improve performance.
15.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People. The report gave a progress check on the delivery of the Children and Young People’s Plan in relation to the four Strategic Improvement Priorities and the related performance measures. The report was also designed to inform the Board’s discussion about future arrangements for partnership working across services for children, young people and their families.
15.2 Councillor Fryer enquired about what would replace the National Indicator targets set by central government.
15.3 The report author responded that although still unclear at the moment and more would be know upon the completion of the Munro report. However, he expected the Indicators to be replaced by a single, comprehensive data report that would be sent to central government.
15.4 Councillor Fryer noted her concern on data produced measuring substance abuse by young people and asked if a more detailed breakdown could be produced and brought to a future meeting in particular segregation into age grouping.
15.5 The report author explained that the data accumulated was of concern. The information indicated that there was not an increase in the number of young people using substances but an increase in the amount of use by each young person. A new training programme would begin in the autumn and a specialist needs assessment process for the treatment of young people misusing substances would begin in November. The results would be presented to the Board at the earliest opportunity.
15.6 RESOLVED- That the Board notes the data and analysis in the CYPP Performance Report and agrees to the actions being taken to improve performance.