Issue - items at meetings - Fee Levels for Adult Social Care Services 2011/12

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Issue - meetings

Fee Levels for Adult Social Care Services 2011/12

Meeting: 14/03/2011 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 54)

Fee Level for Adult Social Care Services 2011/12

Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the fee levels for 2011/12, be held at the 2010/11 rates for all independent and voluntary sector providers.


(2)       That the direct payment rates for 2011/12, be held at the 2010/11 level.


(3)       That the applicable host authority set rates be matched for new care home placements out of the city



54.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People concerning fees paid to independent and voluntary sector providers that supply care services on behalf of Brighton & Hove City Council.  The report covered fees paid to providers of older people, people with physical disabilities, adults with mental health needs (including HIV and substance misuse) and learning disability services.


54.2         The Service Improvement Manager Commissioning reported that the proposals to hold fee levels at the 2010/11 rates was in line with the budget report agreed at Budget Council on 3 March 2011.  All services had been asked to indentify how reductions in their net budget could be achieved to address the budget gap.  Locally fee levels for 2010/11 were in the main held at 2009/10 levels as set out in Appendix 1 of the report. 


54.3         Brighton & Hove provided a range of training that was free to access and which was much appreciated by providers.  Providers had been asked if they would prefer an additional fee increase or the training provided by the Council and the overwhelming majority of providers opted for the training.   Neighbouring authorities were not planning an increase in fees.  A representation had been received from providers who had asked the council to consider the extra expenses they incurred.  Providers were aware of the budget position and the Director of Adult Social Services had attended a number of provider forums.


54.4    The Cabinet Member reported that he had held discussions  with Graham Dean, Vice Chair of the East Sussex, Brighton & Hove Registered Care Homes Association. He stressed the necessity of working together to make savings.   He was hopeful that the situation could change in future years.


54.5    RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That the fee levels for 2011/12, be held at the 2010/11 rates for all independent and voluntary sector providers.


(2)       That the direct payment rates for 2011/12, be held at the 2010/11 level.


(3)       That the applicable host authority set rates be matched for new care home placements out of the city



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